Thursday, March 5, 2015

PJCA Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on 05/02/2015 at 1100 hrs. 

with Postal Joint Council of Action (PJCA)

The meeting was held with Postal Joint Council of Action (PJCA)

comprising NFPE and FNPO, on 05/02/2015 at 1100 hrs. in G.P. Roy Committee

Room, Dak Bhavan under the chairpersonship of Secretary (Posts). A list of

participants is enclosed.

At the outset, Director (SR) welcomed the participants and briefly

mentioned about the PJCA and their 40 point charter of demands. Thereafter

Secretary General, NFPE thanked Secretary (Posts) for holding this meeting.

With the permission of the Chair, agenda items were taken up and after

detailed deliberations on each point, following decisions were taken:

Charter of Demands Decisions taken

1. Discussions on the

recommendations of the Task


Secretary (Posts) informed that the

Government had constituted the Task

Force on “Leveraging the Post Office

Network” under the directions of

Prime Minister. The main aim was to

use the network in a better way for the

public good.

It was emphasized that the

recommendations of the Task Force

are only “recommendations” and not

decisions. Hon‟ble Prime Minister

has also directed that the

recommendations be examined


The staff side was apprehensive that

the Task Force recommendations may

lead to corporatization and eventual

privatization as it happened in other

developed countries and opposed any

kind of structural changes in the


After detailed discussions, Secretary

(Posts) assured that before any

structural changes are contemplated in

the organization, the staff side will be


The proposal will be referred again to

Department of Expenditure for

inclusion of GDS in the 7th CPC.

2. Inclusion of Gramin Dak Sevaks

(GDS) in the terms of reference

of 7th Central Pay Commission.

Grant of civil servant status to

GDS and grant of all benefits of

departmental employees on pro-
rata basis without any


3. Revision of wages of Casual, Part

time, Contingent employees

w.e.f 01.01.2006 consequent on

revision of wages of regular

employees by 6th Pay

Commission and regularization

of services.

4. Grant of merger of 100% DA

with pay w.e.f 01.01.2014 for all

purposes, including GDS.

5. Grant of 25% pay as Interim

Relief (IR) w.e.f 01.01.2014 to all

employees including GDS.

6. Scrap the New Pension Scheme

(NPS) and include all employees

recruited on or after 01.01.2004

under the old statutory pension


7. Remove 5% condition for

compassionate appointment and

grant appointment in all

deserving cases as in the case of

railways. Remove the minimum

50 points condition for GDS

compassionate appointment.

Action by : DDG (Estt)

The orders regarding revision of

wages of casual labourers have

already been issued.

The proposal stands referred to

Department of Expenditure.

The proposal stands referred to

Department of Expenditure.

It is outside the jurisdiction of this


Compassionate appointment for

regular employees:-

Department of Posts follows the

DOP&T condition of 5% of direct

recruitment quota for compassionate


Compassionate appointment for


The proposal will be sent by staff side,

which will be examined.

Action by : DDG (Estt)

8. Fill up all vacant posts in all

cadres including MMS & GDS.

(a) By direct recruitment.

(b) By holding DPC and granting


(c) By conducting departmental

promotional examination.

9. Implement cadre restructuring in

postal, RMS, MMS and Postal

Accounts as per the proposal

signed with the JCM (DC) staff


Instructions regarding filling up of

vacant posts will be reiterated to all

the Circles.

As regards MMS cadre, the revised

RRs of Manager, Sr. Manager and Sr.

Manager (NFSG) have been approved

by the DOP&T and UPSC and are

presently with Ministry of Law and

Justice for legal vetting. Once the

same are notified, the recruitment in

MMS cadre will be initiated.

The examination of proposals

regarding Cadre Restructuring will be

expedited and will be sent to DOP&T

within specified period as decided in

the JCM meeting.

10. Settle MACP related issues

(a) Promotions accrued by

passing departmental

promotional examinations

should not be counted towards

MACP. Implement Jodhpur CAT


(b) Bench mark should not be

made applicable to non- gazette


(c) Stepping up of pay with

junior should be allowed in

MACP also.

(d) Pay fixation on promotional

hierarchy and not grade Pay

Hon. High Court of Rajasthan at

Jodhpur had stayed the order passed

by CAT till final disposal of the

present petition. We may await the

decision of the Court.

Action by : DDG (Estt)


11. Settle issues relating to

Postmaster Cadre officials.

(a) Allow to write IP and PS

Group „B‟ examinations.

(b) Relaxation in service

conditions for promotion from

one grade to another, at par with

general line promotions to

identical posts.

(a) to(c) – The proposal will be


(c) Filling up of all PS Group „B‟,

PM Grade III and Grade II posts

by eligible officials and till that

time adhoc- promotion may be


(d) Other related issues such as

filling up of 100% senior

Postmaster/Chief Postmaster

posts earmarked for PM cadre by

PM cadre officials alone and

maintenance of circle gradation

list etc.

12. Reimburse full mileage

allowance to system

Administrators and fix duty

hours and responsibilities of

SAs. Create separate cadre for

system administrators.

(d) The matter is Subjudice. Action

cannot be taken till the OA is disposed


Presently in Circles, the work of

System Administrators is managed by

PA/SA. Hence, normal rules

applicable to PA/SA would apply.

 The proposal regarding creation of

separate cadre for System

Administrators was discussed in the

last JCM Meeting held on 27.11.2013.

In this meeting, this item was closed

and the staff side was informed that :-

 Having a separate cadre for System

Administrator will not be

advantageous for them since there

would be no channel for promotion to

the higher grade. If the System

Administrators continue in the PA

grade the channel of promotion is

available. Looking from a macro view,

it will be in the interest of System

Administrators if they continue in the

PA cadre as the educational

qualification for system administration

in any Department/Ministry will

require technical qualification and the

present System Administrators may

not possess the same.

13. Grant of cash handling

allowance to Treasures in Post

Offices at par with cashiers in

RMS & Administrative offices.

14. Counting of Special Allowance

granted to PO & RMS

Accountants for pay fixation on

promotions as the promotional

post involves higher


15. Settle all issues related to IT

Modernization Project-
computerization, Core Banking

Solution, Core Insurance

Solution etc.

(a) Replace out dated computers

and peripherals with new ones.

(b) Increase network capabilities

and Bandwidth.

(c) Set right the users credentials

problems in leave arrangements


(d) Stop hasty “Go Live” of CBS,

CIS till cleansing of data pucca.

(e) Provide all assistance and

stop harassment in the

implementation of CBS & CIS.

(f) Grant enhanced financial

The proposal is under active


Action by : DDG (Estt)

Allowance admissible to PO / RMS

Accountants is in nature of “Special

Allowance” and not “Special Pay”.

Thus, it does not qualify for being

taken into account for pay fixation.

The requirement for replacement has

been worked out and action for

procurement / approval is under

process. Other issues being addressed.

Enhancement of financial powers will

be examined.

powers to Head Postmasters.

16. Prompt and regular holding of

JCM, Departmental Council

Meeting, Periodical meeting with

Secretary Department of Posts,

Sports Board meeting and

Welfare Board meeting. Ensure

representation of recognised

Federations in Sports Board and

Welfare Board by calling for


17. Ensure prompt and regular

holding of JCM (Regional

Council) meeting at Circle level,

Formal Four Monthly meeting

with CPMG, Bi-monthly meeting

at PMG/DPS HQ level and

monthly meetings at Divisional

level. Implement a monitoring

mechanism at Directorate level

to ensure conducting of

Circle/Divisional level meetings

at regular intervals.

18. Avoid abnormal delay in

conducting Departmental

Promotion Committees (DPC) at

all levels and grant promotion to

eligible officials.

19. Fill up all vacant posts of Chief

Postmasters General (CPMsG)

Postmaster Generals (PMsG) and

Director of Postal Services (DPS).

At present, posts are remaining

vacant for months together and

additional charge/combined

duty is ordered, which adversely

affects the efficiency of the

services and also delay in setting

staff matters.

20. Notify canteen employees New

Recruitment Rules and fill up all

Action taken.

Action taken. The instructions will

be reiterated to the defaulting


Instructions will be reiterated. D.O.

letter will be addressed to all Heads of

Circles from Member (P) and

monitoring done.

Vacant posts are being filled up.

RRs of this cadre are under

preparation. However, the vacant

vacant posts in Departmental

Canteens/Tiffin Rooms

exempting the posts from the

purview of downsizing order

and reviewing the posts

abolished/kept vacant.

21. Introduce Medical

Reimbursement Scheme to GDS.

post can be filled up on the basis of

existing RRs. Necessary instructions

will be issued.

GDS are eligible for financial

assistance under the Circle Welfare

Fund. The proposal to increase the

limits of financial assistance will be

examined by the Welfare Board.

The proposal for introduction of GDS

Health Insurance Scheme on the lines

of Rashtriya Swaasthya Bima Yojana

(RSBY) involving a recurring cost of

Rs.7.29 crores per annum stands

referred to Ministry of Finance,

Department of Expenditure. This is

being pursued with the Ministry of


Action by : DDG (Estt)

22. Ensure time bound and speedy

disposal of all Rule-9 cases and

Review/Revision petition cases

pending at Directorate level.

During the period between

01/04/2010 and 15/07/2014, 1656

cases have been liquidated out of 1860

cases of Rule 9 / Review/

Revision/Appeal received in the

Directorate. All the Rule 9 cases

pertaining to the years before 2013 are

being attended on priority basis and

will be disposed off within six months.

A Single Window System for receipt of

Rule 9 cases from the Circles has been

introduced at Directorate to avoid

delay in processing. Now officers in

circles are required to come personally

and submit the case at single window.

The cases which are complete are

being accepted for further processing.

Otherwise incomplete cases are

returned to the officers from circles

with the request to remove the

discrepancies. This system is helping

the officers in Vigilance Petition

Section to submit the cases to UPSC

and dispose off them at the earliest.

23. Allot sufficient funds and

sanction all pending bills.

(a) PLI/RPLI incentive bills.

(b) Medical Reimbursement Bills


(c) Tour TA Bills

(d) OTA Bills

24. Enhance overtime allowance

rates at par with Railways.

Funds have been allotted to all the

Circles and they have also been

advised to ensure that the funds are

not surrendered.

The proposal has been supported by

the Department and referred to 7th

Central Pay Commission.

Action by : DDG (Estt)

25. (a) All Circle offices/ Regional

offices/DPLI office, Kolkata

must be allowed to function as

Circle Processing Centres (CPCs)

while implementing Core

Insurance Solutions (CIS)

through McCamish for steady

growth of PLI/RPLI Business.

(b) Stop diversion of 615 posts

(576 posts of Pas from C.O.s and

39 posts of Pas from APS PLI

CELL) ordered vide Department

of Posts, Establishment Division

No. 43-47/2013-PE-II dated the

9th June, 2014.

(c) Stop harassment and

victimization of staff of Circle

Administrative offices in the

name of decentralization of


26. Stop ordering officials to work No such instructions have been issued

The proposal will be examined after

the roll out of the project is completed.

Specific concerns will be examined.

on Sundays and holidays in

some Circles and also stop

harassment of staff by


Heads. Eg. 1) Karnataka Circle 2)

Delhi Circle.

by the Directorate. The information

received from Delhi and Karnataka

Circles is as below:-

“The staff is rarely called for duty

on Sundays & Holidays except on

occasions of National Cleaning

Drive of Post Offices, Departmental

Examinations or IT Modernization

Project works for which

Compensatory off are granted to


Available funds are being allotted to


27. Allot sufficient funds to circles

for carrying out constructions,

repairs and maintenance of

Departmental buildings/Postal

Staff Quarters and RMS Rest


28. Take stringent measures to

eradicate corruption from Postal

Department. Stern action should

be taken against those

committing frauds and

corruption. Stop disciplinary

action against innocent officials

in the name of contributory

negligence, instead of punishing

the principal offender.

29. Fill up vacant posts of Astt.

Manger/Manager and Sr.

manager in MMS.

No directions can be given to any

disciplinary authority.

Action to be completed within a

specified period as decided in the JCM


30. Make substitute arrangement in

all vacant Postmen and MTS

Posts. Wherever GDS are not

available, outsiders should be

allowed to work as substitutes.

The Establishment Division has issued

instruction to the Circles to fill up all

vacancies of GDS BPM & justified

posts of all other approved categories.

Guidelines regulating substitute

arrangements to be made in place of

regular GDS already stand issued vide

letter No.17-115/2001-GDS dated

21/10/2002, in case it is not possible to

manage the work with combination of


Substitute arrangements against

vacant Postman and MTS posts are

made at the local level as and when


Powers have been delegated to Heads

of Circles for outsourcing of work.

31. Modify the orders dated

22/5/1979 regarding existing

time factor given for delivery of

articles taking into account the

actual time required for door to

door delivery.

32. Increase the percentage of PS

Group „B‟ Posts to General line

in LDCE and allow all

PACO/PA SBCO & SA also to

write the examination.

33. Open more L1 offices as

recommended by CPMsG. Eg.-

Guntakal RMS in A.P. Circle.

This is being referred to the Work

Study Unit for re-examination of the


Action by : DDG (Estt)

The proposal will be examined again

on receipt of the same from the staff


Action by : DDG (P) and

The recommendation of CPMG,

Andhra Pradesh Circle to shift the

Kurnool L1 office to Guntakal will be


34. Powers for writing APARs of

SBCO staff may be delegated to

AO (SBCO) instead of Divisional

heads and stop imposing the

work of SB Branch on SBCO.

35. Prompt supply of good quality

uniform and kit items and

change of old specification.

After roll out of CBS, the role and

responsibility of SBCO is to be re-
designed and fixed. The issue will be

examined in detail thereafter.

The matter for improving the quality

and specification of the items of

uniform has been taken up with the

Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS),

which is the nodal department for

finalizing specifications of uniform

and kit items. BIS has been

requested to suitably upgrade

technical specifications of uniform

articles in the light of technical

progression and change in the

constitution of materials used for

manufacturing these items. It has

also been requested to benchmark

the new specifications against the

ones presently available in the

market and as per the present day


The Directorate has been regularly

issuing instructions to Heads of

Circles for prompt supply of good

quality uniforms. The instructions

will be reiterated.

A detailed report on the subject will be

called for from Maharashtra and

Andhra Pradesh Circles as requested

by the staff side.

Action by : DDG (Estates &

The matter will be looked into, as


36. Stop vindictive actions of GM

(Finance) Postal Accounts

Chennai. More than hundred

Postal Accounts employees are

charge sheeted. GM (Finance)

even refused to heed the

instructions of DDG (PAF).

37. Review of marks of JAO (P) Part-
II examination held in December

2012 in r/o SC/ST candidates.

As the exam was conducted on

the basis of old recruitment

Rules i.e. JAO and the said posts

are Group „B‟ (Non- Gazetted)

review may be held.

38. Creation of appropriate number

of posts of Multi Tasking Staff

The proposal is under examination

and the case will be put up to

Secretary (Posts) within a period of

one month.

Action by : DDG (PAF)

There is a ban on creation of posts by

the Department of Expenditure.

(MTS) in RMS after assessing the

total work hours of the vacant

GDSMM posts to mitigate the

problems of the staff and RMS


39. Immediate notification of HSG-I

Recruitment Rules and

transferring of all IP line HSG-I

posts to General line as already

agreed in the JCM Departmental

Council meeting.

The Recruitment Rules for HSG-I in

PO & RMS offices have since been

notified on 17/07/2014.

The Recruitment Rules for HSG-I

(SBCO) is under process in

consultation with DOP&T.

40. Revise Postmen / Mail Guard /

MTS Recruitment Rules. Stop

open market recruitment.

Restore seniority quota


This item was earlier discussed

in the JCM (DC) and it is assured

by Secretary (Posts) that the

Recruitment Rules will be

reviewed after one or two

Recruitment / Promotional exam

are over, as DOP&T may not

approve immediate revision of

Recruitment Rules already

approved by it. Now more than

two Postmen/MG/ MTS

recruitment / examination is

over and hence it is requested to

take action to revise the

Recruitment Rules and stop open

quota recruitment. Entire

vacancies may be earmarked for

GDS and Casual Labourers as

existed in the pre-revised

Recruitment Rules.

As decided in earlier JCM, the said

RRs are to be relooked after seeing the

outcome of one or two exams. The

process is still going on. Most of the

Circles have completed one round of

recruitment process for direct

recruitment quota, and others on their

way to completing the same.

Subsequently, pre-appointment

formalities, trainings etc. would

require to be completed in case of

newly recruited officials. Therefore,

Circles need time to judge the

capabilities and skills of these officials

and furnish proper and accurate

feedback thereto to this Directorate for

further consideration in the matter.

Hence, time is not ripe to revisit the

said RRs.

As regards RRs of Postman, open

market quota of 25% has already been

given to GDS. Now, as per the existing

RRs, only the unfilled vacancies,

which could not be filled by the

MTS/GDS, go to open market for

filling up.

However, the proposal will be re-

examined on receipt of the same from

the staff side.

In view of the discussions held with the staff side on each point raised in

their Charter of Demands, the staff side was appealed to withdraw their proposed

agitational programme.

The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.


Ministry of Communications & IT


Government of India

Department of Posts

(S.R. Division)

New Delhi, dated 12th February, 2015

Subject: Meeting held on 05/02/2015 with PJCA in Dak Bhavan under the

chairpersonship of Secretary (Posts) – Minutes regarding.

Kindly find enclosed minutes of the above meeting for necessary

action at your end. It is requested that Action Taken Report may please be

furnished to S.R. Division by 15th March, 2015.

Official Side:-

1. JS & FA

2. DDG (P) / DDG (Estt) / DDG (PO) / DDG (MB) / DDG (R&P) / DDG (SR &

Legal) / DDG (PAF) / DDG (Estates & MM) / DDG (Tech) / DDG (FS)

Copy to:-

1. OSD to Secretary (Posts)

2. Sr. PPS to Secretary (Posts)

3. PPS to all Members, Postal Services Board.

Staff side:-

1. Secretary General, NFPE

2. Secretary General, FNPO

3. General Secretary, AIRMS&MMSEU Gr. C

4. General Secretary, AIPEU, Postman & MTS

5. General Secretary, AIPAEA

6. General Secretary, AIPEU Gr. C

7. General Secretary, AIPSBCOEA

8. General Secretary, AIPAOEU Gr. C & D

9. General Secretary, AIRMS&MMSEU (NFPE R – 4)

10.General Secretary, AIPEU Gr. C, NFPE

11.General Secretary, NUPE P IV, (FNPO)

12.General Secretary, NAPE Gr. C

13.Dy. General Secretary, AIPEU GDS

14.General Secretary, NUR – III

15.General Secretary, AIPAOA (FNPO)


Delhi High Court has directed Central Administrative Tribunal, Principal Bench, New Delhi to list the GDS case filed by NFPE & AIPEU – GDS (NFPE) for next hearing on 18th March 2015. The High Court also directed that the file of this case should be made available to the Registrar, Central Administrative Tribunal on the above date fixed by High Court.


Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General, Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers and Ex-Secretary General, NFPE is elected to the Directive Committee of the Trade Union International (Public Services) which is a part of World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) in the international Congress held at Kathmandu (Nepal) on 13th & 14th February 2015. Full report of the International Congress will be published shortly. A delegation of six comrades including Com. K. K. N. Kutty (President, Confederation), Com M. S. Raja ( SG, Audit & Accounts Association), Com. K. P. Rajagopal (SG, ITEF), Com. R. N. Parashar (SG, NFPE), Com. Vrigu Bhattacharjee (Civil Accounts Employees Association) & Com. M. Krishnan attended the Congress representing Confederation.





In the discussion held on 05.02.2015 with the Postal Joint Council of Action (NFPE, FNPO, AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) and NUGDS), Secretary, Department of Posts has assured that the demand for inclusion of GDS under 7th CPC will again be referred to the Government by the Postal Board. If all the Postal Federations and Unions/Associations join together and go for an indefinite strike from May 6th as decided by the PJCA, Government will be compelled to include GDS under 7th CPC.

But the recognised GDS Union is demanding separate committee and conducting separate strike, breaking the unity of five lakhs Postal employees. Separate strike for a separate committee will weaken the demand for grant of civil servant status to GDS and will help the Government only.

When NFPE, FNPO, AIPEU-GDS (NFPE), NUGDS, Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers, JCM National Council staff side including Railways & Defence are demanding inclusion of GDS under 7th CPC, why recognised GDS Union alone is demanding separate committee and conducting separate strike. Gramin Dak Sevaks should understand the hidden agenda of the recognised GDS union and defeat the demand for separate Committee.

All Gramin Dak Sevaks are requested to join the joint indefinite strike of Postal Joint Council of Action (NFPE, FNPO, AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) & NUGDS) from 2015 May 6th. Our demand is inclusion of GDS in 7th CPC and grant of civil servant status. We don’t want a separate committee..

Yours fraternally,

R. N. Parashar                                                                                     D. Theagarajan
Secretary General, NFPE                                                                     Secretary General, FNPO

P. Pandurangarao                                                                                P. U. Muralidharan
General Secretary,                                                                              General Secretary

AIPEU-GDS (NFPE)                                                                               NUGDS



The Central Government is reluctant to settle the justified and genuine demands of Central Government employees i.e. 100% D.A. merger, 25% Interim Relief, Inclusion of GDS in 7th CPC , Date of Effect 1.1.2014 , Scrapping of New Pension Scheme , filing up of vacant  posts, in all Department’s , withdrawal of contractrization  and out sourcing  policy, removal of 5% ceiling on compassionate  appointments, Removal of MACP related  anomalies , Revision of OTA Rates  including some other demands.

Joint Consultative Machinery which was formed for the redressal of grievances of Central Government Employees by negotiations has been made defunct and no meeting has been held after 2010. After constitution of 7th CPC the views of Staff Side N.C. JCM has not been taken into account. The Terms of Reference of 7th CPC were declared unilaterally and agreed draft of Terms of Reference submitted by Staff Side was not given cognizance. The Minister in P.M.O. Shri Jitendra Singh replied in response to the question raised by some MPs that Government is not going to grant 100% or 50%  D.A. Merger , 25%  Interim Relief and inclusion of GDS in 7th CPC.

In the back ground of all these developments a National Convention of all constituents of National Council JCM was convened in New Delhi on 11th December-2014. All the participants’ organizations vehemently opposed the policies of Central Government.

After detailed deliberations it was decided that a massive Parliament March will be organized in New Delhi on 28th April-2015 in which the date of Indefinite Strike will be declared. Intensive preparation campaign is going on. NJCA was formed at National level in which the top leaders of AIRF, NFIR, AIDEF, NDWF, Confederation, NFPE and FNPO are included. State JCAs have been formed in most of the circles and State conventions have also been held and wherever it has not been formed the state leadership has been asked to complete this work very soon.

It has been decided to mobilize five lakh Central Government Employees to participate in Parliament March. Accordingly quota has been fixed for Railways,   Defence, Confederation and NFPE. Accordingly NFPE has also allotted quota to each affiliated union. Comrades, as we know that whatever we have achieved that is because of struggles only. The present government is functioning to give maximum benefit to the corporates and capitalists. It is not at all concerned about the working class. It started disinvestment in PSUs, Declared 100% FDI in Railway and 49 % FDI in Defence. The recommendations of Task Force Committee headed by TSR Subramaniam .are big danger for Deptt of Post which has paved the way of privatization through Corporatization.  

Confederation of C.G.E&W and NFPE have given separate programmes of agitation which should be observed with great enthusiasm.

NFPE calls upon the entire Postal, RMS  and GDS employees to make all the programmes a grand success and mobilize the maximum number employees, more than the quota allotted to each affiliated union to take part in  the Parliament March  on 28th April-2015 on call of National Council JCM to make it a historic success.


  •     Deduction u/s 80C                                                ` 1,50,000
        •     Deduction u/s 80CCD                                               `50,000
        •     Deduction on account of interest on house property
              loan  (Self occupied property)                         `2,00,000
        •     Deduction u/s 80D on health Insurance premium  `25,000         •    Exemption of transport allowance                          ` 19,200

              Total                                                                                `4,44,200


1st Floor, North Avenue PO Building, New Delhi – 110001
 President                                                                                                   Secretary General
 K. K. N. Kutty                                                                                                                               M. Krishnan
09811048303                                                                                                                                  09447068125
  Dated: 28th Feb. 2015.

Budget 2015-16.

The Budget of Modi Government for the year 2015-16 presented today to the Parliament by the Finance Minister, Shri. Arun Jaitley belied all expectations of the poor people who placed their faith in the BJP in the last general elections.   It is without doubt an anti-poor and pro-rich Budget.  The Corporate Tax has been slashed to please the giant multinational Corporate houses, who really are the rulers in most of the Countries of the world, including ours.  The Government has foregone about 8300 crores of direct tax revenue.  The burden has been put on to the shoulders of the common working people in the form of indirect taxes to the extent of more than 23000 crores mostly coming from the increased service tax kitty.

Except raising the transport allowance exemption from Rs. 800 to Rs. 1600 p.m which only benefits the higher segment of tax payers among the salaried class, no concession or tax reduction has been given to the wage earners. 

By not raising the non-taxable maximum which was needed in view of the high level of inflation, Modi Government has not only squeezed the middle class but also amassed more tax revenue from those class of wage earners, who get dearness compensation.  In the process Government continue to ignore several judgements to exempt DA from taxation as DA is considered as a receipt, compensatory in nature. The salaried class of tax payers was constantly demanding the re- introduction of deduction under section 16(1) of the I.T. Act which was in vogue years back.  While retaining such concessession and deduction to all other segment of tax payers, the Government continue to penalise wage earners who are really the honest tax payers.

Allocation for every social welfare schemes which targets the deprived section of the society has been reduced in percentage terms, the largest reduction being in the ICDS programme.  The tax concessions to the rich and corporate houses are of the order of 5.89 lakh crores. This apart, the wealth tax has been fully abolished.

The Budget 2015-16 has unambiguously declared the intention of the Modi Government to pursue the neo- liberal economic policies vigorously. 


Department of Posts, Mail Motor Service, Senior Manager (Non-Functional Selection Grade), Senior Manager and Manager Recruitment Rules, 2015.