Sub: Settlement of deceased claim case in respect of Sr. Citizen's Savings Scheme account –a clarification regarding.(S.B. Order No. 15/2011)
D.G. Posts No. 79-01/2011-SB dated 18.08.2011.
The undersigned is directed to say that a RTI query regarding settlement of deceased claim when deposit is payable two or more nominees and either of them is dead was referred to Min. of Finance (DEA) for clarification as there is no such provision in SCSS Rules 2004.
2. The Ministry of Finance (DEA) vide its O.M.No. 15/1/2009/NS-II dated 02.08.2011 has clarified that in such case, the deposit shall be paid to the surviving nominee.
3. It is requested that this may be circulated to all post offices for information and necessary guidance to deal with such claim cases.
4. This issues with the approval of DDG(FS)
(Kawal Jit Singh)
Assistant Director (SB)
Closure/Premature closure of accounts - revision of format of account closure form SB-7A regarding
....Continuation 1
Admissibility of interest after death of depositor before maturity in case of SCSS - 2004 account - amendment to sub rule 3 of Rule 8 of SCSS - 2004 rules regarding
...Continuation 1 .....Continuation 2